Saturday, 19 July 2014

Single Man Meets Single Mom by Jules Bennett

I give this book 4 stars

This story is about a woman falling straight from the sky into the arms of a Hollywood agent and bang - instant attraction. Cassie Barrington is a horse trainer, single mum and a divorcee. Ian Schaffer is the Hollywood agent that has come to her fathers horse farm to help his client who is filming Cassie's mum and dad's love story for the big screen. Ian grew up in a family that was demanding and their was no love between his parents, Cassie's family had love unbound and was always supportive. 

It is a lovely story line that shows a country girl and a high flyer falling in love even though they have both suffered in the past, Cassie because of her ex husband and Ian because of his parents. The story keeps you wishing and hoping that these two would hopefully get their 'Happy Ever After' in the end.

About Jules
American romance author, Jules Bennett, has been touching the hearts of thousands of readers since 2005. A former beauty salon owner, Jules juggled the demands of owning her own business, raising two small children and attempting to get home in time to cook her husband (also her high school sweetheart) dinner all while plotting the next scene in her head.
After twelve years of juggling the roles of beautician, wife, mother and romance writer, on very little sleep; Jules decided to hang up her shears and turn her part-time, late-night craving into her full-time passion.
Since beginning her writing career, Jules has had the pleasure of writing for The Wild Rose Press, Samhain Publishing, Berkley Publishing, and currently writes for Harlequin Desire.

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