Friday, 8 November 2013

This is a Review for A Groom For Christmas by Cara Marsi

Given 4 out of 5 stars

This is a story of old friendships, an interfering mum and a bad boy and an ex! The story starts when Graceann needs to find a fiancé for a Christmas holiday at home with her family, in-order to stop her mother matchmaking. While having something to eat in a local diner an old acquaintance (Jake) walks in and Graceann and her friend both decide that he can be the pretend fiancé if he agrees, and he does, as he wanted to get to know Graceann when they were younger but did not think he had a chance. When they go to Graceann's home they find out that her mum has also invited an old boyfriend of Graceann's to stay  and thats when the fun begins, jealousy raises it's head and love comes to shine.  But due to Jake having a secret to why he is back in town and not being open in their relationship, Graceann wonders if it can last.  My only negative point is that at the start of the story Graceann describes her family to Jake in detail but seeing as they lived in the same town and went to the same school one would assume he knew of them, I know the readers don't but the wording of that part just does not seem correct to me. Also considering he was a 'bad boy' none of her family recognised him, other than that critiscm the book is a good short read.

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